Why Rent A Re-Writer?

Because everyone could use a second opinion, even smart guys like Thomas Jefferson.

There are dozens of “editing” resources out there. Most of them use a computer program to check your spelling, grammar, capitalization, etc., etc. We do that, too, of course, supplemented by our brains, common sense, and many years of experience. But what makes us different is we also analyze your work, and give you our professional opinion on whether or not it will do the job you want it to do.

Is your ad delivering the right message to the right people? Will your blog post attract readers and keep them reading? Will your prospects open your email, and even more importantly, click through? Will your TV or radio spot convince voters you’re really the woman or man for the job? Will your ad bring women in to see your bridal sets? Does your home page connect with visitors and draw them into the site? Are you marketing your product or service to the right market in the right way?

Why not find out? Get a professional second opinion — and re-write if necessary — based on four decades of writing success with hundreds of clients nationwide. Click here to contact me and/or upload a file.

By the way… Yeah, Papa Hemingway really did say that. His modus operandi was rewrite, rewrite, rewrite — until it’s perfect.  So why not you?