
Here are a few remarks from happy clients:

This one wanted to launch an email campaign. In about an hour I took him from this…

I’m close…but can’t quite say what I want to say.  Keep in mind, this is going to an audience in construction management. Need to try to talk the talk, and be a contemporary (ironically a good example of a less than ideal choice of verbiage!).  Also, short and sweet always wins the race….

To this…

Thanks so much! I really like them both, and think either will work in certain situations.  I’ll be using both…

And then to this:

It’s ideal! It covers all the bases. Thank you so much!

Another client wrote:

I’m working on an email to expand my consulting business.  Here is my draft email, which I wrote after really honing in on writing tight copy. I think it’s still kinda loose but has a good core concept…would you take a look and tear it apart LOL?  Can’t wait to see what you think.

After I reviewed (and rewrote) much of her copy, she wrote back:

Thanks for reviewing/editing my last draft.  It obviously needed a lot of work. Your insight is invaluable!

Another client wrote:

Would you look at my first ever direct mail piece and tear it apart for me?

I reviewed the copy, gave her my opinion, rewrote some segments and gave her a new subject line. She replied:

This is awesome.  I will change my version and do a split test with your version and mine. BTW, my team loved your input.  Thanks again…I’ll let you know how it performs.